Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 23: Haiti update from Bishop Thomas Gumbleton

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton will give a presentation on the situation in Haiti one month after the earthquake. The presentation will be held at 7 p.m. at St. Mark Parish (4401 Bart Avenue) in Warren, MI.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feb 23: Dr. Lynam hosts next Lunchtime Conversation

On February 23 from 12-1:30 pm in the Faculty Lounge, Dr. Mary M. Lynam, assistant professor of integrated science, will facilitate a discussion entitled, “Mercy Mercy Me, Fish Full of Mercury, Mercury and the Environment."

Dr. Lynam will trace the history of mercury use by mankind, the episode of mercury poisoning in Minamata, Japan, and the findings of the Mercury Report to Congress. She will talk about the forms of mercury found in the atmosphere, and methods used to sample and quantify them with an emphasis on the results of monitoring in rural and urban areas in the Great Lakes Region.

All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to join us for stimulating ideas and great conversation about this extremely important and timely subject. BYO lunch . . . tasty dessert will be provided.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 6 - 13 is Haiti Solidarity Week

The college's sponsors (Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) have issued this action alert:

Pax Christi Haiti and the Haitian Catholic Bishops have designated Friday, February 12, (one month after the devastating earthquake) as an international day of prayer for Haiti. The IHM Haiti Committee will be holding a contemplative prayer service at 4 p.m. in the IHM Motherhouse Chapel. All are welcome to attend:

610 West Elm Avenue
Monroe, MI 48162

Those who cannot come to the prayer service at the Motherhouse can use the following prayer resources recommended by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns:

A prayer service for Haiti from the Taize community
Prayer resources from Catholic Relief Services
A reflection written by Daniel Tillias of Pax Christi Port-au-Prince

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Need help with MLA, APA or Turabian formatting?

Has your instructor asked you to format your paper according to MLA, APA or Turabian style? Are you unsure where to begin or do you need a refresher?

The Library is offering workshops on MLA and APA citation styles this semester. Here are the details: (pdf, 1 page) Winter 2010 workshops.

Can't attend a workshop? Need help with Turabian?
  1. Make an appointment at the Writing Center: 313.927.1278
  2. Visit the Library website for printable guides
  3. Browse the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University

Friday, February 5, 2010

Calling all library supporters...

We are asking all library supporters to contact their U.S. Senators regarding the Jobs for Main Street Act, also known as the “Jobs Bill.”

The current draft of the Senate's $80 billion Jobs for Main Street Act does NOT include library workers. The bill does include $20.5 billion for “Creating Jobs that Provide Public Services” which includes billions for some jobs but not a cent for library workers.

We know that libraries provide critical services to their communities. (Did you know that libraries are the only source of no-fee Internet access for 71 percent of Americans?) We know that library workers are an important part of public sector employees.

As soon as possible, we ask each of you to:
1. Call or email a personal message to your U.S. Senators. If you can do this every day until we are successful – so much the better;
2. Ask your friends, family, colleagues, and community groups to contact their senators as well.

Call the U.S. Capital switchboard ASAP at 202.224.3121.  For email addresses and other contact information go to

Thank you!
Your Marygrove College Library

Monday, February 1, 2010

Follow us on Twitter as we celebrate Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month, the Marygrove Library will tweet about a website or new book in its collection each day in February. You can follow us here: