Theresa Spiteri is one of our full-time library assistants in the circulation department. She is a history major with a minor in English and will graduate from Marygrove College in May of 2012. After graduation, she plans to attend Wayne State University to obtain a master's degree in library science & information with a concentration in archival work. But she won't stop there! Next she'll obtain her master's degree in history with a military concentration from Norwich University in Pennsylvania, with the long-term goal of earning her Ph.D.
Theresa's path from work study student to full-time assistant has been circuitous. She was our work study student for one semester; when her financial aid package changed she was no longer eligible for work study but remained with us as a volunteer (that's right, folks, a volunteer!) for the remainder of the academic year. The following year she was hired as a part-time employee until finally a full-time position became available. She jumped at the chance, and we were thrilled to hire her.
She enjoys reading, hiking, camping, swimming, and spending time with her family and friends (when she's not studying or working, that is). She also enjoys participating in any activity that relates to history; this year, for example, she visited the Renaissance festival for the first time - corset and all.