Saturday, February 5, 2011

"You're the best" (No...*you're* the best!)

The Marygrove librarians offer research assistance in a variety of ways. Yesterday one of the librarians visited a science classroom in the Liberal Arts building to demonstrate how to search for, evaluate, and cite information for a research project. Afterward, a student from that class sent us this heart-warming note:

"You were not only informative and patient, but extremely knowledgeable. You seem to be able to sense when we were getting confused and zero in on what types of explanations were going to be helpful and valuable. Of course I also appreciate all the personal assistance that you offered me for my English 312 class. You're the best."

Actually - we think *you're* the best. The Library has so much admiration for Marygrove College students. You are dedicated, passionate, hard-working, and you're often juggling five jobs + four sports + three children + eight classes (just kidding, but that's how it seems sometimes). Yet with all that's going on in your life, you still make time to send notes like the one above.

We *love* teaching you and (hopefully) making your life a little bit easier. Come see us anytime.

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