Monday, December 12, 2011

Second alert: library blog is moving from Blogger to Wordpress

This is our second public service announcement for this blog's new readers and loyal followers that we're moving from to Those of you who read new blog posts by visiting the library homepage won't have to do a thing. Continue to click on news stories that pique your interest and read to your heart's content!

Those of you who have new blog posts brought to you - via email or an RSS reader, for example - will need to change your settings so that you continue to receive library news.

This is our NEW blog address:
And here's the OLD blog address:

If you need help with this, please don't hesitate to visit or call us (313.927.1378). We will give you one more alert in the next few days so you can take care of this.

Thanks to the Communications & Marketing team at Marygrove (especially Shane Sevo!) for his help transitioning our blog to Wordpress. At his invitation, we'll be talking about what this transition was like during a web meet-up this Friday:

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