Thursday, January 6, 2011

Impressive stats! Course reserves

Library assistant Theresa Spiteri has been studying the library's course reserves* statistics for her semiannual report. She's put together some impressive numbers - take a look!

During the Fall 2010 semester, faculty members placed 586 books and videos on reserve. These items were checked out 759 times during the semester.

These were the items most frequently checked out during the Fall 2010 semester:
 - Basic Mathematics
 - Precalculus: Graphs & Models

These were the items most frequently checked out over the past few years:
 - Introductory Algebra
 - Basic Mathematics
 - A World of Diversity: Expanding your cultural awareness (video)

* Course reserves is a library service that allows faculty members to place on "reserve" those materials that will be in high demand for their courses. Library staff put these materials behind the circulation desk and retrieve them at a student's request. Typically, materials that have been put on reserve can be checked out for a very limited amount of time. For more information, please call Theresa at 313.927.1377.